Stranger Than Supper(1990)
OverviewTracksLiner Notes

Also called Booger Breath, Poot for Thought, and Chopped Liver, and subtitled UWEB Evangelist Series, this CD was the only UWEB CD to be released to the general public. Meant to reach more potential UWEB members and raise money for the club, it is a collection of unreleased tracks, much like Residue or the later "Liver" albums, Liver Music and Daydream B-Liver. In fact a number of tracks which appeared here were to have gone onto the Liver albums, but Uncle Willie decided that it would be more fun to have all new music on the later collections. Anyone who bought the Liver CDs would probably have already bought Stranger Than Supper, so why duplicate things?

In the liner notes Uncle Willie points out that, between the first two tracks on this CD, there is a difference of 18 years and 18 million people in the audience.